قديم 04-17-2015, 01:31 AM
الصورة الرمزية الصحفي الطائر
الصحفي الطائر الصحفي الطائر غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ذهبي
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2008
المشاركات: 3,060
افتراضي اليوم العالمي للجري لمساندة مصابي العمود الفقري - الأجنحة من أجل الحياة - 3 مايو 2015


اليوم العالمي للجري لمساندة مصابي العمود الفقري
الأجنحة من أجل الحياة
3 مايو 2015
شارك بسباق الجري الأجنحة من أجل الحياة
في الساعة 11 صباحا عالميا
في كل مكان في العالم
سواءاً كان ليلاً أو نهاراً

دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة
الأحد, 3 مايو 2015
التوقيت: 3:00 PM
المكان: دبي أتودروم - موتور سيتي
رسم الدخول: 150.00 درهم
التسجيل عبر الأنترنت
الهاتف: 971 4 2995151

الأجنحة من أجل الحياة عبارة عن سباق جري بالكرسي المتحرك التي تبدأ في الساعة 3 في مايو 3 و تنتهي في عندما يتم القبض على اخر شخص من قبل السيارة القابضة,
سيبدأ جميع المشاركين من الركض و المقعدين في الكرسي المتحرك في الساعة 11 صباحا عالميا، سيتم مطاردة الجميع من قبل السيارة القابضة, عندما تمر السيارة من جنب المشارك، ينتهي السباق لكن لا ينتهي المرح, و يعود المشاركون الى الحافلة
100٪ من العائدات من أجنحة من أجل الحياة العالمية تذهب اجراء بحوث لأيجاد حلول لعلاج اصابات الفقرة العامودية.


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-17-2015, 01:37 AM
الصورة الرمزية الصحفي الطائر
الصحفي الطائر الصحفي الطائر غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ذهبي
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2008
المشاركات: 3,060
افتراضي World Run 2015, to raise awareness of spinal cord injury, Wings for Life World Run, May 3rd, 2015


World Run 2015
to raise awareness of spinal cord injury
May 3rd, 2015
Wings for Life World Run
Running for those who can't
Running at the same time, day or night, world wide, at 11:00 AM UTC
Dubai, UAE
Local time: 15:00 local time
Starting fee: 150.00 AED
Starting fee : 100% of the entry fee goes to spinal cord research
Following the success of the first-ever Wings for Life World Run in 2014, runners all around the world will again begin racing simultaneously, be it day or night, to raise awareness of spinal cord injury.
Amateurs will be rubbing shoulders with elite athletes as a Catcher Car – which will set off 30 minutes after the last runner crosses the start line – chases down and passes the runners, with the last male and female athletes to be caught by the cars crowned champions. The overall winners of the Wings for Life World Run are the man and woman who have covered the most distance before being reeled in by the Catcher Car.
WHEELCHAIR PARTICIPANTS AND RUNNERS UNITE ON MAY 3 2015On May 3, 2015, wheelchair users and runners will compete side by side in one race. Gone are the separate wheelchair races. Everyone’s in it together – exactly how it should be. The only requirement: wheelchair users need to start in a regular, everyday wheelchair.
“The Wings for Life World Run is an event for everyone. We’re delighted that, in 2015, this also applies to the wheelchair community. Everyone who has a regular, everyday wheelchair can now take part”, said Anita Gerhardter, Wings for Life CEO. “Of course, we would have loved to see also race wheelchairs or hand bikes on the tracks, but they are simply too fast for this kind of race format. Safety could not be guaranteed.”
Everyone – wheelchair users and runners alike – will start globally at 11am UTC, and everyone will be chased, slowly, but surely, by the Catcher Car. When the Catcher Car passes you, your race is over, but the fun carries on as finishers catch the shuttle buses back to the starting area, where so everyone can celebrate in style.
Please note that the accessibility of shuttles vary from country to country. Check for details with the local organisers.
Want to compete? You need to
be ready to have a great time, laugh and make loads of new friends
have a regular, everyday wheelchair that you can move yourself or be pushed in by a friend
have a wheelchair with two drive wheels at the back (20”-25”)
have two small wheels at the front (3”-7”)
have two push rings and brakes
Get yourself specced out, grab your friends and register for the most global race on the planet.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s a fun 5k race, a 10k race, it’s a marathon race, it’s whatever distance race you want it to be. What makes the Wings for Life World Run such a fun race is that it is completely different to any you have run in before. Instead of racing to a set finish line, you run away from the Catcher Car. Everyone, at the 35 locations worldwide, starts running at 11am UTC on May 3, 2015, then 30 minutes later, the Catcher Car sets off, chasing runners until the last person is left standing.
If you have ever wanted a fun running race in the United Arab Emirates, this is for you. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join in the biggest fun run in the world. A race for all ages, from beginners to professionals, teens to seniors, no experience needed. Join the thousands of other runners and wheelchair participants on the starting line and share in this global running race, this global phenomenon.
What makes this race the coolest on the planet and better than all the others is that it really is for everyone. It’s a worldwide running race to raise money and attention for the scientists driven by finding a cure for spinal cord injury. 100% of all Wings for Life World Run registration fees, proceeds, sponsorships and donations, worldwide, go straight to finding that cure. Men and women, young and old, everyone is out there, running for those who can’t, having fun, racing family and friends, near and far for one great cause: the Wings for Life foundation.
The race is over, but the fun isn’t. Whether you ran 5k, 10k, half marathon or raced far beyond a full marathon, when the Catcher Car overtakes you, you will be transported back to the starting area to celebrate your finish with everyone else who ran for those who can’t.


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الساعة الآن 02:11 PM.